Since shutting down my personal blog (the nun thing) I haven't been around the blogosphere much although I am mindful of my friends ands sisters here and hold you in prayer from time to time.
I just thought I'd give a brief update on my life over the last year and invite you to do the same.
As you can see it's been close to a year since we've heard from anyone and I know I'd like a little update from whoever is out there and feels inclined. It doesn't have to be long or detailed, just the view from where you're at now.
In the last twelve months I've been living a much more geographically settled life as a novice sister. After six months of permanent transitition I landed in the Blue Mountains (west of Sydney) for a solid year of novitiate study and life. It's an incredibly beautiful place with plenty of bushwalks and stunning scenery around which I've loved exploring. Personally though the biggest gift of the year has been a deepening relationship with God and a more persoanl relationship with Jesus. That's been a challenging and at times painful journey but one of incredible gace and privelege.
My favourite realisation about God and me this year has been coming to the strong sense that
God wants to be for me what Spring is for a cherry tree
(which is apparently a thought of the Sufi mystic Rumi, though I haven't been able to find the quote!)