Since shutting down my personal blog (the nun thing) I haven't been around the blogosphere much although I am mindful of my friends ands sisters here and hold you in prayer from time to time.
I just thought I'd give a brief update on my life over the last year and invite you to do the same.
As you can see it's been close to a year since we've heard from anyone and I know I'd like a little update from whoever is out there and feels inclined. It doesn't have to be long or detailed, just the view from where you're at now.
In the last twelve months I've been living a much more geographically settled life as a novice sister. After six months of permanent transitition I landed in the Blue Mountains (west of Sydney) for a solid year of novitiate study and life. It's an incredibly beautiful place with plenty of bushwalks and stunning scenery around which I've loved exploring. Personally though the biggest gift of the year has been a deepening relationship with God and a more persoanl relationship with Jesus. That's been a challenging and at times painful journey but one of incredible gace and privelege.
My favourite realisation about God and me this year has been coming to the strong sense that
God wants to be for me what Spring is for a cherry tree
(which is apparently a thought of the Sufi mystic Rumi, though I haven't been able to find the quote!)

Thanks for the update. Can you add me to the list for Sister Bloggers. I tried last year but I'm not sure what i did wrong. My URL is Thanks.
Thanks for the update Sarah!! I too have been entirely lax in my contributor roles!!!
Sr. Ann Marie - I'm headed out of town but will try to get you set up when I come back.
As for my update ... I made by 1st vows in Oct 2008 so this year has been one of ministry at a peace & justice center. I started the year living in our main house with the retired sisters. For the last 4 months I've been living with a smaller local community. Really enjoying community life. Started graduate studies in theology. Life is good!
I am still around. I now live in a convent with 5 other Sisters and am still working in my childcare ministry. I really hope to be able to enter novitiate this coming summer (God willing...please pray).
I also have been letting my blogging slide, but I know a few other blogging nuns that might be worth asking to join.
Anne, PND
I am still around. I now live in a convent with 5 other Sisters and am still working in my childcare ministry. I really hope to be able to enter novitiate this coming summer (God willing...please pray).
I also have been letting my blogging slide, but I know a few other blogging nuns that might be worth asking to join.
Anne, PND
Hi everyone!! A quick update on me. I am working my way through the application process right now..(many prayers please!!) I am hoping that within the next yearish I will become a candidate with the Sisters of Saint Joseph. We shall see what God and the journey have instore for me. My youngest sister is getting married so we are in full swing of much to celebrate here! I am also back working with my elders now...which I am loving..its amazing how much they give. I pray you all are well!
Could you add me to the list of Sister Bloggers, please? My URL is
Thanks much!
Sarah, RSM
Hello sister-bloggers and -readers from Sydney, Australia. I am wondering what you would think of my research on nuns and/as single women in contemporary western culture! The abstract for a paper I'm writing is here, any thoughts you'd like to share would be very welcome.
The quotation about Spring and cherry trees is actually from a poem by Pablo Neruda...Juegas Todos los Dias...Every Day you Play.
"Quiero hacer contigo lo que la primavera hace con los cerezos." I want to do with you what springtime does with the cherry trees.
hello, my name is Samantha and I'm 13 and want to join the catholic sisterhood when of age. I was just wondering, what OS the youngest you can join? also, what's it like? thanks sisters!
sorry, Sam again, forgot to include this but I'd really appreciate if any nuns wouldn't mind taking some time out of their busy schedules to be my pen pal. I'd really like to learn what the sisterhood is like!
email me at:
Hi, this looks like an awesome blog, is it still alive? :)
Thanks and God bless.
I see someone gave part of the quote from Pablo Neruda. The sentence in in the last verse of a long poem. That verse reads:
[[My words rained over you, stroking you.
A long time I have loved the sunned mother-of-pearl of your body.
I go so far as to think that you own the universe.
I will bring you happy flowers from the mountains, bluebells,
dark hazels, and rustic baskets of kisses.
I want
to do with you what spring does with the cherry trees.]]
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